Friday, September 24, 2010

TransFair USA Eyes a Brand Makeover...Why?

As I continue to investigate the workings of Fair Trade some interesting facts are coming to light. This explains the mumbled comments, and reluctance to say much or the sighs of perseverance I've encounter with those caught up in industries relying on these certifications.

Matt at Just Coffee Cooperatives writes:

"This situation has been developing slowly over many years, so we should ask: “why is it finally coming to a head now?” The answer to this seems to lie in the rise of the IMO “Fair for Life” certification that many committed FT roasters (and growers) are turning to as an alternative to the FLO/Transfair system. To put it plainly-- the IMO certification is reportedly cheaper, based on auditing as opposed to marketing, and less cumbersome than FLO/TFUSA's version. And more, by using the term “Certified Fair Trade” in its language, the IMO program is liberating a term that has been monopolized legally in the US by TFUSA for years. In the past, the more committed “fair traders” had nowhere to go outside the TFUSA model for third-party certification-- they were the only game in town. There now appears to be a better alternative and that development must make TFUSA very nervous."

Read the full article by Just Coffee Cooperative at:

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