Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Final Card Design

This is the final look I came up with today...
So the question came up, "Why the dragonfly?"
"In many cultures, the dragonfly is regarded as a symbol of light, adaptability, grace and transformation." This seems an appropriate symbol for conscious design.

Here's a dragonfly story that explains it all...

"Oyenstikker", "Trollslanda":
The Europeans thought dragonflies were sinister, but the Asians and Native Americans thought of them as symbols of courage, strength, and happiness. This connotation has spread worldwide in modern times.

In ancient mythology Japan was referred to as "Akitsushima, Land of the dragonflies."

Dead Trees

The Daily Green:

The variety of paper out there in the world is amazing.
The people at xpedex, a great paper resource, are familiar with each and every kind.
Kind of like the tea plantation owners in India.  
They know all the variety and then some.

Recycled  paper intrigued me.
PWC  post consumer waste %
You can choose.  
There is even 100% PWC paper out there.  
As a designer it is becoming more cost effective to use recycled paper and non-toxic inks.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Design proofs

I played around with my logo design.
The results...in the form of business cards:

Design examples everywhere

I looked around and found some cards that caught my eye.
I complied the ideas I liked and then uniqued them into my card.

Some thoughts that came to mind as I did.
a. What is it that I do? Is it apparent in the design?
b. What colors do I think speak best to that?
c. What font?
d. Does my design emote ?

I found a few great resources:
a. "A Brand Apart" by Joe Duffy.
b. www.justcreativedesign.com
c. Are you a bad designer? (yikes!)

Identifying Markets and Branding

Investigating how other design firms market and brand themselves.
Well I work in design now and have pondered these questions...where is my niche.
Small business, artist, women...
Someone asked me "where is the money in that, most artists can't afford websites or anything?"

I found there are lots of plug in design firms and web developers, but the most common response from my clients were they tried that and it worked for a while but now they want more personal design that represents them and their business.
My competition:
They have templates for artists...

other peoples pixels.com

I found some interesting sites:



