This is the final look I came up with today...
So the question came up, "Why the dragonfly?"
"In many cultures, the dragonfly is regarded as a symbol of light, adaptability, grace and transformation." This seems an appropriate symbol for conscious design.
Here's a dragonfly story that explains it all...
"Oyenstikker", "Trollslanda":
The Europeans thought dragonflies were sinister, but the Asians and Native Americans thought of them as symbols of courage, strength, and happiness. This connotation has spread worldwide in modern times.
In ancient mythology Japan was referred to as "Akitsushima, Land of the dragonflies."
So the question came up, "Why the dragonfly?"
"In many cultures, the dragonfly is regarded as a symbol of light, adaptability, grace and transformation." This seems an appropriate symbol for conscious design.
Here's a dragonfly story that explains it all...
"Oyenstikker", "Trollslanda":
The Europeans thought dragonflies were sinister, but the Asians and Native Americans thought of them as symbols of courage, strength, and happiness. This connotation has spread worldwide in modern times.
In ancient mythology Japan was referred to as "Akitsushima, Land of the dragonflies."