Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Context and Complexity

"Imagination is far more important than knowledge."

"The formulation of a problem is far more important than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill. To raise new questions, to look at old problems from a new angle marks the real advances in science." - Albert Einstein

I was thinking that all this talk and attention about sustainability is great but ultimately the aesthetics of consumption is the issue. How to help the consumers of the world develop an identity outside of things? with millions still in poverty and the grossly wealthy lifestyle idealized?
These are the social processes identified as lifestyle consumption, expressive consumption, aesthetic consumption that require the solutions. Creating solutions as alternatives for these processes will turn sustainability into a real and worthy goal, not allow it remain where it is now as a Utopian ideology.

read more:
Design, Lifestyles and Sustainability.
by Peter Dobers and Lars Strannegard

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