Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration 2009 : A Suspension of Cynicism

This year has been one of extremes where belief, collective and individual has figured prominently.
As an artist belief is a word I am intimately familiar with on both sides of the spectrum. I am often given to letting the neutrinos, dust, universe, energy...etc do their work in the absence of immediate inspiration.
Question: when has immediate anything especially inspiration ever become a reasonable expectation?
Segue to politics of today Tuesday January 20th 2009.
Something has happened today through collective belief, thought, intention, that puts life in perspective, on the knife edge of meaning.
Barak Obama as President of the United States is the result of intention and belief in ( insert your ideas here) through out the population, individual and mass.
I feel proud, once again, as if I was somehow responsible just because of my belief.
For today at least may we suspend cynicism.

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